Blue Boston Terriers: Everything You Need To Know

Blue Boston Terriers  come in many colors, but the most popular by far is the black and white “tuxedo” variety. However, for those looking for something a little different, there is also the blue Boston Terrier. This unique dog has a slate-colored coat with copper highlights that can make them quite striking to look at.

While they may not be as common as their black and white counterparts, blue Boston Terriers are just as lovable and fun-loving as any other breed of this popular dog. So if you’re looking for a new addition to your family, consider adopting a blue Boston Terrier!

What is the Blue Boston Terriers?

What is the Blue Boston Terriers?
What is the Blue Boston Terriers?

The Blue Boston Terriers is a group of friends, family and breeders that have a common goal: to promote the health, temperament & beauty of the Boston Terrier. Our goals are as follows:

To work with local “CH” judges to better understand what they deem as correct for each variety. In other words, we want to capitalize on their experience and knowledge so future generations will be improved from what we now see in today’s show ring. We encourage all who love this breed and own champions to join us in our quest for improvement.

What is the ultimate goal of the Blue Boston Terrier Club?

Our ultimate goal is to see the “Blue” Boston Terrier become the standard by which all others are judged. We feel that this color variant is genetically superior and should be the only accepted type. We are not interested in starting a new kennel club or anything of that nature. We simply want to see the Blue Boston Terrier recognized as the best possible example of the breed.

 How do they differ from other Blue Boston Terriers?

 How do they differ from other Blue Boston Terriers?
How do they differ from other Blue Boston Terriers?

The Blue Boston Terriers Dog is often confused with the Black Boston Terrier, even though they are different color genes.

They are black dogs with bright blue eyes and nose! They are not albino. Some breeders like to call them “purebred” Boston Terriers because they say that their parents were registered as purebred boston terriers. It’s probably just a marketing thing; people think it sounds better than something like “mutant.”

A one-in-four chance isn’t very likely, but every once in awhile there is a one-in-a-thousand or one-in-ten thousand chance of two recessive genes creating these beautiful, stunning dogs. The Blue Frenchies are not a recognized breed. They are often called “rare” or “mutant.” Breeders of these pooches hope to start their own kennel club, just like the Hamiltonstovare and Rat Terrier clubs did.

The Boston terrier is an American breed of dog . The breed was developed in Boston , Massachusetts , in the 19th century from crosses between the Bull and Terrier and the English White Terrier . It has Bruce characters, while others believe some Irish Terrier blood entered into his ancestors. The three varieties of coloration were soon established: black-and-tan, brindle, and seal brown (a dark brown color). It is one of a few breeds of dog that is naturally born tailless.

The Blue Boston Terriers Dog is often confused with the Black Boston Terrier, even though they are different color genes.

They are black dogs with bright blue eyes and nose! They are not albino. Some breeders like to call them “purebred” Boston Terriers because they say that their parents were registered as purebred boston terriers. It’s probably just a marketing thing; people think it sounds better than something like “mutant.”

More reference: rat terrier chihuahua mix

Blue Boston Terriers Breed Info & Facts

Blue Boston Terriers Breed Info & Facts
Blue Boston Terriers Breed Info & Facts

The Blue Boston Terrier, also called the ‘American Gentlemen’ is one of the worst kept secrets when it comes to rare and unique breeds. A lot of people love them but they just don’t know enough about them yet! Here’s some Blue Boston Terrier Breed Info & Facts so you can be in-the-know too:

Blue is a very rare color for a Boston Terrier, but not unheard of. The official AKC breed standard calls for “rich chestnut markings,” which suggests it’s considered a fault if your dog doesn’t have at least some black on its face and ears. However, most show dogs really only do need that dark muzzle or mask (or both), dark ear tips and dark saddle (a patch between the shoulders).

The Blue Boston Terrier Breed Info & Facts is that they are considered to be one of the most gentle and easy going dog breeds. They make a great family pet for those with children. This breed loves to please their owners and will do just about anything for a good pat on the head or a tummy rub.

Blue Boston Terriers have also been known to be very intelligent dogs. They are often quick to learn new commands and can be housebroken relatively easily. However, they can also be quite mischievous at times so proper training is essential.

Like all Boston Terriers, Blues need plenty of exercise but they are not as high energy as some of the other terrier breeds. A good daily walk will usually suffice, although a trip to the park for a game of fetch is always a good idea too.

Overall, the Blue Boston Terrier is a great breed for those looking for a low-maintenance dog that is gentle and loving. They can be a little bit more expensive to purchase than your average mutt from the shelter but they are definitely worth it!

If you’re interested in adding one of these special dogs to your family, be sure to do your research and find reputable breeders. Blues tend to be popular so you may have to wait awhile for one to become available but it will be well worth the wait!

Blue Boston Terriers Care Guide

Blue Boston Terriers are some of the most sought after dogs in America today. This article will help you understand more about these amazing companions and how to care for them whether they are show dogs or family pets.


The Boston Terrier originated in the 1830’s in Boston MA. It was thought of as a working dog at first but also performed well in ratting competitions. By breeding it with other small breeds such as the Bulldog, French Bulldog, English White Terriers, Boxer etc., this former worker transformed into quite the companion animal . Today, Blue is one of three colors recognized by the AKC. The other two colors being the Black and Tan as well as a Brindle pattern.

Blue Boston Terriers Care Guide
Blue Boston Terriers Care Guide


The Blue Boston Terrier is a dilute version of the black on their body with a grayish blue or steel blue color on their head, on their legs and underneath their tail. Their nose can be any color from black to brown to pink to blue. If it’s not one of those colors then it’s genetically impossible for them to have been born from an all black parent or from both parents who were black & tans. A true white Boston will have red eyes, sometimes ringed in pink but never more than ¼ of an inch wide. Eye color is another way that people determine if a dog’s coat is actually blue because red eyes are typical of white Boston Terriers.


The Black & Tan Boston Terrier inherited the black from the English White Terrier and tan markings from one or both parents who were also Blue, Brindle or Black & Tan. The AKC considers this color pattern to be a fault in the show ring but that does not disqualify them as wonderful companions. Their friendly personalities combined with their beautiful looks make them great family dogs. They are still smart enough to perform well in agility contests and they do best when put with other animals including humans . It’s common for them to play fetch games for hours at a time especially if you have children!


The Brindle pattern is likely the result of a dog who carries both the black and tan gene as well as the dilute gene. If it’s not diluted, then it’s genetically impossible for them to be blue. The brindle pattern also comes in two parts which are the stripes on their forehead and the stripes that come up their shoulders and end mid back; these markings are known as saddle markings . The other thing that makes this color different from Blue or Black & Tan is that their nose will still be black no matter what other colors they inherit.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Blue Boston Terriers?

Where to Adopt or Buy a Blue Boston Terriers?
Where to Adopt or Buy a Blue Boston Terriers?

If the color of a Boston terrier appeals to you more than a brown one, it is possible to find blue boston terriers for sale. These dogs are usually mixed with other breeds but they have been known to stand out from the rest and hence the name ‘blue’ Boston Terrier. The reason why they can be distinguished from other Boston terriers is because blue bostons do not carry the gene that gives these dogs their color.

This means that if two of them were mated together; all of their puppies will be black and tan (the most common colors for Boston terriers). Blue bostons may also exhibit different characteristics like lower energy levels and bigger body sizes. This article will talk about where to find blue Boston Terriers for sale as well as how to go about adopting one.

One place where you may be able to find a blue Boston terrier is through classified ads. This can be done through online searches or even going through the newspapers. It is important to keep in mind that when looking through classified ads, there are many breeders who are not legitimate and sometimes do not care for their dogs in the best way possible. Because of this, it is important to ask a lot of questions before deciding to purchase a dog from a breeder that you have found in this way.

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